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How to see all the information in your GP Record

When you view your GP health record online, you should be able to see any information that was added recently.

If you need to see older information in your record (historic record information), you'll have to ask your GP surgery to make it available online.


You can either:

  • email or call your GP surgery and tell them you want to see historical information in your online GP health record
  • mention it to a receptionist at the surgery when you go for your next appointment

Let your GP surgery know if you only need access to something specific in your record (such as previous test results). This can be quicker than getting access to your full historic record.

The surgery will consider your request and make sure there are no issues with making the information available to you (for example, if it could put you or someone else at risk of harm). This can take a few weeks.

If there are no issues with making this information available, you'll be able to see it when you view your GP record online.

Published on 4th Feb 2025

Get started with the NHS App


Use the NHS App to book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and access a range of other healthcare services.

Published on 26th Feb 2024

MyHealth Devon is a website developed by local doctors that provides information on waiting times, your care pathway and on what you can do to manage specific symptoms or conditions


MyHealth Devon – is a website developed by local doctors that provides information on waiting times, your care pathway and on what you can do to manage specific symptoms or conditions. Please select the link to take a look at the website and see what it has to offer.



Published on 24th Jul 2023